A Millie Favorite

A Millie Favorite

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Keep it Fresh

A few weeks ago I wrote about how to save your famer's market produce from a quick death on your counter. After all, you did get up and go to the market early in the morning on a Saturday, so you might as well enjoy your produce for as long as possible.
These are my beautiful snap peas that I got for a steal, washed and ready to be prepped. One thing that I really really really love about this spring veggie is that it can be eaten raw. It is slightly sweet and has a nice crunch to it, so it is great to grab some for work or on the go for you and your kids. Full of vitamin C and fiber. These little green veggies will keep you full until your next meal.

If you snap the tops then they will stay fresher longer. Keep them in a plastic container in your fridge and they will last up to a week, maybe a few days longer.

Oooh, my beautiful strawberries. Last week, I got to the market too late to buy these sweet and delicious fruit. And since strawberry season will be coming to an end soon, keeping them fresh as long as possible is so important.  Always keep some fruit and veggie wash around for best results.

Cut the tops off and slice in halves and you will be able to save much longer in your fridge.

Finally, this was our dinner tonight. The greens you see here were bought last week and you can see they are bright and green. If you get greens, rinse and clean and store in a ziplock in your crisper. They will be fresher so much longer.

Recipe for the salad above:

  • Red leaf salad greens
  • Sliced olives
  • 1 cucumber sliced
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon  of olive oil
  • 1/2 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar 
  • Toss and serve
I hope these simple tips help you enjoy your local food longer. After all, we are all in this together! Let your children help with the produce prep and reap the rewards of having a child interested in their food. 

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