My mother was a stockbroker in the 1980's and then pursued her PhD in the 1990's. Somewhere in there she had my little brother. These are not easy undertakings by any stretch of the imagination. However, my mother found time to have dinner on the table every single night. I don't mean precooked nonsense. I mean, full on dinner productions!
Everything was fresh, complex and placed onto the plate just so. She would have me set the table every single night and dinner conversations would last for hours. Wine was always served and if my grandparents where in town, it was even grander. I tell you this, because, while I do not find it necessary to have dinner fit for the Queen of England on the table every single night, I do agree with what my mother was trying to make happen.
You see, it was never about the fancy production, it was about the family. I am sure there were some nights where my mother would of rather kicked up her heals, pour herself a scotch and laid down on the couch with some take out. However, she would come home after a long day at work or school, make sure that Jonathan (my little brother) was played with and then got to work on dinner so that the family could have a couple of hours of togetherness.
Food is an amazing vehicle to connect with each other. I encourage you all to make a meal with your family and include your children in the process. My mother always had me make the salad and set the table. It was a great way to give me responsibility and it gave me a sense of pride.
A sense of pride and accomplishment...hum... what a great gift to give our children.
Tonight, go ahead and make a nice big bowl of pasta with tomato and basil sauce. Some garlic bread and a nice big salad. Simple, delicious and you will never regret the time you spend with cell phones, computers and TVs OFF.
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